A Memo From The Office Fridge

Stop, just stop! It’s too much! You open me, you close me. You love me, you leave me. You steal Joe’s yogurt and I’m stuck with the blame while my door is slammed. Then for two whole days I get no attention whatsoever and nothing but the smell of your leaking leftovers to keep me company! Well I have had enough! One more transgression and I’m going to blow a fuse. I really mean it this time. So from now on there will be some new rules around here.

First, for the love of all things chilly, don’t leave my door open. It makes me feel… naked. Plus it wastes electricity and we all know that is a BIG NO NO.Blog_Fridge_Yogurt

Second, no yogurt stealing… and you know who you are.

Blog_Fridge_PostItThirdly, please only use Dry-Erase Markers when leaving notes on me. Really, no one likes to have Permanent Marker on their face. Magnets and Post-it® Notes are great too, and less confusing.


Finally, and this is really important. Keep me clean! That smell when you walk in on Monday, it’s me. But I swear it’s not my fault. That bag of salad from two weeks ago has officially liquefied. Please throw it away. Oh but you may want to grab some gloves first, it’s leaking. After that I’d say it’s time for a good wipe down with some Lysol® All Purpose Cleaner. Seriously, grab the spray! You’re going to want extra paper towels too.

Now was that so bad? I don’t know about you but I feel much better. I’m practically glowing inside!



The Office Fridge




Photo Credit: http://klinikhipnoterapibandung.com/messy-refrigerator-clipart/

One response to “A Memo From The Office Fridge”

  1. Hilarious take on a very relatable situation! The “stolen yogurt” and mystery leftovers had me laughing. I definitely agree with the no-open-door policy – fridge chills are essential for afternoon productivity.

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