25 Fun (and Strange) Facts About Toilet Paper

21 Fun Facts About Toilet Paper on restockit.wordpress.com

It’s something we use every single day, and yet most of us probably never even think about it until we run out. But just like every other innovation since the dark ages (sliced bread and horseless carriages included) TP has a story, and there’s a lot about this everyday wonder you probably never knew. Here are our top 21 facts about toilet paper that you definitely didn’t know:

1. Packaged toilet paper wasn’t sold in the United States until 1857 (see #10 to find out what people used before toilet paper). Joseph Gayetty is the man who introduced packaged toilet paper to America. And he wanted credit, so he had his name printed on every sheet.

2. The first recorded use of toilet paper was in 6th century China.

3. The Chinese government was mass producing it by the 14th century.

4. About four billion people in the world do not use toilet paper (that’s nearly 75 percent of the world’s population) because it’s too expensive and they do not have sufficient plumbing.

5. Throughout history, what you used to wipe depended on your economic status. Wealthy Romans employed wool soaked in rose water, and French royalty used lace.

6. The first “splinter free” toilet paper toilet wasn’t manufactured until 1935 (ouch!). Up until this point, it was very common to have splinters in the toilet paper due to the techniques used in production.

7. Americans use an average of 8.6 sheets of toilet paper each time they go to the restroom.

8. The average person in the United States uses 100 rolls of toilet paper per year and the average household flushes about 80,000 sheets annually.

9. It takes 30,000 trees every day to fulfill the global demand of toilet paper.

10. What was used before toilet paper? People turned to hay, corncobs, sticks, stones, sand, moss, hemp, wool, and fruit peels, among other items.

11. There used to be a museum in Madison, Wisconsin dedicated solely to toilet paper – at one time showcasing more than 3,000 toilet paper rolls from around the world.

12. An average of 666 rolls are used every day at the Pentagon.

13. TV personality Johnny Carson caused a toilet paper shortage in 1973 when he joked on his show that the item was in short supply. Everyone ran out to buy up as many rolls as they could, leaving stores with empty shelves.

14. Seven percent of Americans admit to stealing toilet paper rolls from hotels.

15. Japanese horror novelist Koji Suzuki wrote an entire novel printed on a single roll of toilet paper.

16. The “Toilet Paper Tax,” introduced and passed by Bill Clinton in 1996, charges 6 cents per roll purchased and is still in effect today.

17. Bidets are the preferred cleaning method to toilet paper in most Western European countries.

18. Toilet paper nicknames include bum wad, TP, loo paper, bog rolls, and tissue.

19. In 1928, the Hoberg Paper Company created Charmin, which was the first company to advertise their toilet paper’s softness over its purpose.

20. When asked what they’d bring if they were stuck on a deserted island, 49 percent of people said they’d bring TP before food.

21. The world’s largest toilet paper roll was made by Charmin to celebrate World Toilet Paper Day (yes, it’s a thing) and measured eight feet high with a diameter of more than nine feet.

22. Renova, a TP brand made in Portugal, is the most expensive toilet paper in the world, costing $3 per roll. It’s three-ply, perfumed, comes in red, black, blue, and green, and is a favorite among celebrities like Beyoncé and Kris Jenner.

23. Colored toilet paper was manufactured in the United States for 40 years and Scott was the last company to stop making it in 2004.

24. Toilet paper and facial tissues aren’t the same thing, although they feel similar. TP is specifically made to decompose within seconds of getting wet, allowing it to easily dissolve in septic systems.

25. August 26 is National Toilet Paper Day, deemed so to commemorate the first time it was ever sold on a roll (August 26, 1871).

Now that you are a toilet paper fact expert, you might want to stock up on it! Shop ReStockIt to find great deals on jumbo, coreless, and regular toilet paper individually and in bulk.

Interested in more cleaning facts, tips, and tricks? Check out our blog. Also, amazing deals on restroom and cleaning products, visit the ReStockIt website.

13 responses to “25 Fun (and Strange) Facts About Toilet Paper”

  1. […] With 7% of Americans admitting to stealing it from hotels, comedian Johnny Carson causing a shortage of it in 1973 after he joked about the possibility of one and 49% of people saying they would bring it before food, if they were stuck on a desert island: it appears that we really can’t live without toilet paper and according to 90’s hit sitcom Seinfeld, with some people “everything comes down to toilet paper”.  […]

  2. Number 6 is not true. Makes me wonder what else on here isn’t true. There has never been a federal toilet paper tax. This is just a bunch of crap.

    1. OMG your right! 😮


  3. Also anonymous Avatar
    Also anonymous

    Hmmm maybe 🤔

    1. oooooof

  4. […] 7% de los estadounidenses y Comediantes que admitieron haber robado en hoteles johnny carson En 1973, provocó una escasez de papel higiénico después de bromear diciendo que era más probable que el 49% de las personas trajeran papel higiénico que comida si se quedaban varadas en una isla desierta. Según la exitosa comedia de situación de los 90 Seinfeld, algunas personas y “Todo se reduce al papel higiénico”. […]

  5. […] The Pentagon allegedly uses an average of 666 rolls of toilet paper per day (27). […]

  6. […] アメリカ人の7%と ホテルでの窃盗を認めたコメディアンたち ジョニー・カーソン 1973年、無人島に取り残された場合、49%の人が食料よりもトイレットペーパーを持っていく可能性が高いと冗談を言い、トイレットペーパー不足を引き起こした。 90 年代の人気ホームコメディ『サインフェルド』によると、一部の人々と 「すべてはトイレットペーパーに行き着くのです。」 […]

  7. yxyunswyhxwgyhyrjt2rkeckeirc

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